Day 51...

Palm Springs Pucci 1


Oh how I love these old Pucci's, some are in great shape, others are not. This happens to be in very good shape.  This is Emilio Pucci for Formfit Rogers,  So this is actually a part of his lingerie line.  For anyone that had any doubts about the past being more conservative, I am wearing this with pants, and are you looking at where the slit on this is?!  This takes Agent Provocateur to task.  We are spending our Spring Break in Palm Springs, which has a particular resonance for me.  The Palm Springs store was one of the first Saks fifth Avenue's my father ever opened.  And my mother loved it here.  It was a new land in the 60's, she was a new bride, with a new son, and the future spread out before her.  I believe that this was the place that she was truly the happiest.  She always said she felt like a California girl at heart.  I believe that, she loved the promise, the spirit and the light of it,  just like I do.  She hated that I moved so far away, but if I was going to go any where, she approved of California for sure.  I wish I knew the name of her old street, I would try and find it.  But even if I don't, I know where it is, I am close, I am in the old section of town, the section she would have lived.  So I am here, she is here, we are here together.  I am seeing your sky, and smelling your air, and seeing your flowers, and wearing your clothes.  I even dreamt of you last night,  You are near, and I hope you always will be.  I love you forever.